Dental Implants

The newest method in dentistry used to replace missing or extracted teeth is a procedure called dental implants. Dental implants consist of three key components – a screw-like piece of metal called an anchor is first inserted into the jawbone, then a crown that acts as a replacement tooth is placed on top of the anchor, and an abutment is used to secure the two together.

How does the anchor stay in place?

The anchor is made of a very tough and durable material called titanium. Once the implant is inserted into your jaw, a process called osseointegration takes place where the bone that surrounds the implant begins to fuse to the anchor which strengthens it even further. It is not until this has happened that the replacement tooth will be fitted, but once in place, your new implant will be as secure as a regular tooth.

Will my implant be noticeable?

One of the biggest reasons that people choose implants is their subtlety. The only visible part of your implant is the replacement tooth which will be color-matched so that it is the same as your existing teeth. And since it is a permanent fixture, you can eat and drink as normal as there is no need for unsightly denture removal which means that no one needs to know you have a dental implant unless you tell them.

How successful is the procedure?

Dental implants have the highest success rate of any implanted surgical device at around 98%. However, a robust oral hygiene routine is crucial to ensuring their results for the long term.